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Angular Air Paperback

13.00 / On Sale

“I pass a bony tree, which I perceive only dimly, blinded by sunlight and snow. I turn around, drive back and take a photograph of the tree. It`s cold.“

With taking this picture, the work on Angular Air began. The title refers to the brittle and scratchy air of cold days, which hurts the skin and makes the breath visible. It describes a forbidding world whose surfaces are rough and arbitrarily shaped.
But as forbidding as this environment may seem, there is so much that is attractive hidden within it.

The seven photographs in the edition show fragile surfaces and landscapes that can take on a completely different form from one moment to the next. The eye is drawn to the light refracted by the structures, making it appear almost strange.

Hand titled and numbered; Edition of 100 copies, 21 x 26cm; 24 Pages with 7 monochrome photographs, printed on Munken Print Cream 1.5 / 115g paper. Prize: 18,00€ + shipping.

Shipping within Germany 3,00€; international 8,00€.